
Sally Peacock: improved sprinting at Kames

During my first season of sprinting in 2007 I learned the benefits of the power of positive thinking.

One of the events in the championship was at a small but exciting circuit in Scotland called Kames. My times were slower than others in my class but I was a novice and this was expected. Although we were all competitors, the events always had a friendly banter atmosphere and people were always happy to offer advice and cheer each other on.

The championship came here twice in the season and my times for the first event didn’t light much fire. Prior to the second trip in the season I had coincidently attended a course at work which covered elements of positive thinking. Using my hobby as an example, the course facilitator was very enthusiastic and gave me a number of useful tips. I worked on visualizing the circuit and in my mind completing it fast; with perfect lines into each bend and the finish time I wanted.

He gave me some other tips and, on the day of the event I did this again, using positive thoughts and believing I had already achieved the time I wanted. I went out onto the circuit, and subsequently knocked whole seconds off my last set of times. My times were not only competitive with others but I came fourth in class.

The buzz and adrenaline from this was amazing and is something I will always remember when I hear myself starting to say ‘I can’t’.

Sally Peacock

Memory added on December 19, 2012

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